Hello, Beautiful Gems.
It has been a beautiful time with family. God is good. Sometimes, you wonder what the world is coming to when some things happen. However, being around family and friends with the heart of gold is priceless. There are moments in our lives when we are allowed to see that the goodness in humanity still exists. Well, if you still exist and your heart is in a place of truth, there lies the proof that goodness lives on.
Goodness, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, is one of the characteristics needed for the palace. It is also a trait that ignites generosity, compassion, ethics, and integrity. Having a seed of goodness does not mean you as an individual will live a life free of trials. However, what you go through will refine the characteristic of goodness to enable it to glitter more.
Goodness is a beautiful royal fabric that never ages. From generation to generation, it stands tall, building lasting family legacies.
Today, we thank God for the gift of goodness.