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Writer's pictureYeatoe Gloria McIntosh

Relational Relationships

Dear beautiful people,

It's February 8th on my end. The question in my mind is, why is time running? It's Wealth and Wisdom Wednesday. Today, the focus is Wisdom.

Wisdom: Intentionality can not be absent in relational relationship building. Relational relationships are not focused on immediate returns but on long-term mutual benefits. There are so many aspects of life that relational relationships will benefit you. Let's look at two (2) examples.

Transactional Dating: Looks at the immediate benefit of the relationship vs. what could fully be overtime in relational relationships. Operating in this manner is considered deficit thinking. Life has its terrains of mountains, valleys, and plains, and a transactional relationship will not survive all life's curves. The immediate return focus sometimes creates situations where there are missed opportunities or the mistreatment of people who could be beneficial.

Transactional marketing for a business: Does not prioritize building a business relationship with the client, but instead getting the client to support your services and bye until next time.

Operating in this manner will not gain loyal clients but clients who are also grabbing what they can. Relational building increases loyalty from clients. Clients feel seen by your business.

Wisdom Wednesday: As we intentionally live each day in our purposes, build relational relationships. You'll thank me later.

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