Happy New Year Beautiful People!

We have entered 2023! We thank God for His mercy and grace toward us over the years. Life happens every day, and it is only by God's hands we can survive some of the storms in our lives. 2022 was a year of grief for me. Nevertheless, I came through because of God's grace and the support system he has given me. In 2023, we will succeed with God's help and the support system he has given us. However, this is the year of intentionality. Blessings are hanging, but it will take our works, not only faith, to reel them in.
Use your God-given talents: Not using our innate talents can be compared to the man who buried his one talent. Remember, he was called wicked for burying his talent. We can't suppress our talents and expect to thrive in success. Instead, we need to use those talents to establish ourselves and be a channel of blessings to others. We use computers today because someone decided to use his talent instead of covering it. To not use your talent equates to denying yourself and others prosperity. Lives are attached to us, and as much as we would love to stay in our comfort zones, destiny calls for us to be the light in the world. We can only be light by walking in God's purpose.
Set Boundaries: You can not be everything to everyone simultaneously. Being everything to everyone at the same time is a recipe for disaster. A life without boundaries is like a car moving without brakes.
Strategic Plan: We must have a strategic plan to navigate 2023. We will only be able to achieve optimum success with a strategy.